HW reminder for 20/5/11

Homework/things to hand in on the next schooling day:

- Get the History paper signed and filed into YELLOW file
(Note: Its not your signature, but your parents…)
- Pay $2 for class fund; give to Ren Chang

Here are the homework so far:
- Work on the speech

For Miss Lim's class
- Holiday HW: Rewrite the song

For Mdm Yeo's class

For Miss Ooi's class

NTU Flagship
- Read through the manual of the project and complete the reflections

- Maths/ADMT homework can be found on the google site, please visit it often
- If I happen not to list down some of the homework, please add it as a comment.

Upcoming Events:
- GCP trips (for some)
- Speech assessment (Term 2 Week 10)
- NTU camp (Holidays 6-8 June)
- June Holidays

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