HW reminder for 28/6/11

Homework/things to hand in on the next schooling day:

- (For HCL) Complete holiday assignment
- Finish InE project
- Complete the waves WS given
- Visit S&W blog for PDF files

Here are the homework so far:
- Read through the PDF on child labour and think through the questions

For Miss Lim's class

For Mdm Yeo's class

For Miss Ooi's class

- Performance task

- Complete the waves WS given

- Visit the S&W blog for PDF files

- Maths/ADMT homework can be found on the google site, please visit it often
- If I happen not to list down some of the homework, please add it as a comment.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi S208,

    Can someone please help me post the following:

    Please go to S&W GoogleSite for S&W Programme 2011 and read the docs Forearm Pass, Forearm Pass 2, Set 1 and Set 2 at the following URL:


    Find some time to practise too. Thanks =)

    Mr Dennis
