HW reminder for 15/8/11

Homework/things to hand in/bring on the next schooling day:
For Miss Lim's class
- Memorize 满江红

Here are the homework so far:
- Complete the topic sentences WS
- Complete the comprehension practice paper

For Miss Lim's class
- Memorize 满江红

- Complete the maths practice paper

- Insert pictures/videos into lesson 10 of journal

- Complete the corrections for the essay

- Complete the first part of the journal: Research and ideation portion

- Think of the Vision, mission etc of the feasibility plan

- Maths/ADMT homework can be found on the google site, please visit it often
- If I happen not to list down some of the homework, please add it as a comment.

Upcoming Events:
- English Oral (Term 3 Week 8)
- Humanities Test (Term 3 Week 9)
- Chinese Test (Term 3 Week 9)
- English Test (Term 3 Week 9)
- Maths Test (Term 3 Week 9)
- Science Test (Term 3 Week 9)
- Annual Track and Field Meet (31 August)
- President's Election (Term 3 Week 10)
-Teacher's Day (1 September)
- End of Year Examinations

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